Sustainability Policy

Last update: September 25, 2023

Our Vision


Electra FM’s commitment to sustainability stems from the ethical principle of “doing the right thing”. As a market leader in the service industry, we strive for excellence in our commitment to environmental and social sustainability.


Our vision is to integrate sustainable processes in our operations and in our engagements with our business partners.


We embed the ESG approach in our DNA code, thus making sustainability our business.


Policy Statement


  • Electra FM is committed to encourage best practices in environmental and social sustainability.
  • The company identifies and analyses the expectations of various stakeholders such as our shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, partners and local communities.
  • Our sustainability strategy is aligned with the applicable United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
  • We establish sustainability goals, targets and roadmap, based on a materiality assessment and strive to continuously improve by regularly review our performance.
  • Electra FM strives to ensure that every employee, enjoys a safe and healthy work environment, and that our operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.
  • Our sustainability values include respect to human rights, diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion.
  • We provide our clients and our strategic partners added value through extensive sustainability portfolio.
  • We will maintain transparency, and communicate our sustainability performance internally and externally.
  • Electra FM shall comply with all applicable regulatory requirements and business practices beyond compliance.
  • Electra FM’s sustainability policy is aligned with Electra LTD’s code of ethics.


Environmental Sustainability Commitment


  • Conserve natural resources by reducing the use of energy, consumables and water.
  • Minimize pollution by reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, reducing landfill waste, and using safe materials and products.
  • Engage in innovation of services and solutions with reduced environmental impact and promote circular economy.
  • Work with our suppliers to promote environmental responsible sourcing.
  • Adopt environmental management practices according to international standards.


Social Sustainability Commitment


  • Provide a safe and healthy work environment and processes to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses by implementing controls in order to mitigate hazards to acceptable levels.
  • Prepare and respond to emergencies for the protection of our employees wherever they operate.
  • Increase awareness and promote employee engagement and consultation in order to improve our overall health & safety performance.
  • Perform health and safety hazard assessments, train employees, provide guidelines, provide personal protective equipment and perform audits and inspections to verify effectiveness.
  • Introduce services that promote safe and healthy work environment for our clients.
  • Adopt health and safety management practices according to international standards.
  • Engage in activities to retain employee wellness and satisfaction, as well as professional development.
  • Maintain proper conduct among employees and during management interactions, ethical polite and unthreatening.
  • Provide fair employment conditions and control work hours, overtime and rest days according to local regulations.
  • Employ only allowable aged employees, and verify compliance with applicable employment requirements.
  • Providing equal opportunities in employment to male and female workers from a variety of cultures and social backgrounds. Inclusion of male and female workers with special needs and limitations as a human resource in the organization.
  • Take initiatives to promote volunteering and support of local communities and the less fortunate populations.
  • Engage suppliers and sub-contractors to take action towards social sustainability.

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