
First Conference for the Finance Department of Electra FM

23 May 2024
  • finance department
  • seminar

Last month, 85 finance department employees from all Electra FM branches participated in a groundbreaking seminar for Electra FM’s finance department.

The day began with opening remarks by Daniel Milo, CEO of Electra FM, who reviewed the company’s activities over the past year and outlined the business challenges for 2024 and global market trends. Micha Rubin, CFO of FM Group, then detailed the structure of Electra Ltd. and Electra FM, as well as the Finance Division. He reviewed the Israeli economy, expanded on working capital, and emphasized his main message: “When I Will Be We,” highlighting the Finance Department’s crucial role in fostering communication and collaboration across various interfaces.

Following this, CFOs from the Electra FM branches presented their respective business units. The presenters included: Anastasia Valiev (CFO, Maintenance Division), Andrei Sitnitsky (CFO, Electra Securities and Tavas), Liat Bloch (Field Service Accountant), Kinneret Bakeman (CFO, Electra Tomer), Hezi Zeliat (CFO, Michlol), Liz Kadosh (CFO, Ariel Properties).

The day concluded with an inspiring guest lecture on personal excellence by Niv Faran, a leader in personal and organizational leadership development.

Yaron Yitzhak,Ariel Properties: “I thank and congratulate the company for strengthening the connection between the teams. The lectures were inspiring, fostering a sense of belonging, partnership, and shared goals. The conference contributed to the participants’ knowledge and will influence our methods of action. It greatly enhanced the development of knowledge and improved existing platforms. I am confident that future conferences will build a strong front with new partners and innovative thinking.”

Tamir Hamami, Ariel Properties: “The seminar was vital for connectivity between our Finance Department and other financial departments within the Group. It provided exposure to the Group’s achievements, goals, and strategy. It is important to occasionally ‘pause’ and have such a day, where senior management can assess our performance and present its strategy in a focused and direct manner. Thanks to everyone involved in organizing the seminar!”

Michal Nadir, Tavas: “Today was a very interesting seminar that allowed us to learn about the group’s activities, which we didn’t know well before.”

Margalit Moshe, Ariel Properties: “I was happy to meet new colleagues and companies from different fields. The seminar was interesting, and Niv’s lecture was excellent! Thank you for your continued efforts.”

Heli Shalev, Human Resources Manager at Electra FM: “To turn the Finance Department into a professional and cohesive group, we organized this seminar based on insights from an employee experience survey. This conference marks the beginning of a tradition, with more seminars, training sessions, and round tables planned throughout the year. I was happy to lead this seminar, which included professional content and opportunities for employees to connect with colleagues from various branches. Everyone left wanting more – this is just the beginning!”

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